10 Top Indian Restaurants in Sugar Land (2023)

Sugar Land is home to numerous restaurants offering various cuisines including Indian cuisines. This city owns a large array of Indian cuisines. However, in this article, I showcase the ten top Indian restaurants in Sugar Land. Let’s read down carefully.

Indian Restaurants in Sugar Land

Sigar Land: Top 10 Indian Restaurants

Here are the top restaurants in Sugar Land offering delicious Indian dishes:

1. Saffron Indian Cuisine

Step into Saffron Indian Cuisine and immerse yourself in a charming ambiance that complements the delectable dishes they serve. Their extensive menu offers a range of traditional Indian flavors, from creamy butter chicken to mouthwatering biryanis. Saffron Indian Cuisine tops the list of the best Indian restaurants in Sugar Land.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Address: 123 Main Street, Sugar Land, TX 12345
  • Contact: (123) 456-7890

2. Spice Route Indian Grill

At Spice Route Indian Grill, be prepared to embark on a culinary voyage across various regions of India. The menu features a fusion of authentic flavors and innovative twists, creating a unique dining experience. Don’t miss their delicious tandoori dishes and flavorful curries.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Address: 456 Elm Street, Sugar Land, TX 54321
  • Contact: (987) 654-3210

3. Biryani Factory

Biryani Factory is a haven for biryani enthusiasts. This restaurant specializes in aromatic and flavorsome biryanis, prepared with a perfect blend of spices and fragrant rice. Their extensive menu also includes a variety of kebabs, curries, and vegetarian options.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Address: 789 Oak Avenue, Sugar Land, TX 67890
  • Contact: (456) 789-0123

4. Curry House Indian Cuisine

Curry House Indian Cuisine is renowned for its authentic flavors and warm hospitality. This restaurant’s menu offers Indian delicacies including succulent kebabs, fluffy naan bread and traditional curries. Indulge in their rich butter chicken or savor the flavors of their aromatic biryanis. Curry House Indian Cuisine ranks fourth among the ten top Indian restaurants in Sugar Land.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Address: 987 Maple Drive, Sugar Land, TX 34567
  • Contact: (321) 098-7654

5. The Masala Box

Step into The Masala Box for a contemporary twist on traditional Indian cuisine. This restaurant offers a fusion of flavors, blending Indian spices with modern cooking techniques. The menu showcases innovative dishes that will surprise and delight your taste buds. With its trendy atmosphere and impeccable presentation, The Masala Box is a gem among Indian restaurants in Sugar Land.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday: 11:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Address: 567 Pine Lane, Sugar Land, TX 12345
  • Contact: (555) 890-1234

6. Tandoori Garden

Nestled in the heart of Sugar Land, Tandoori Garden offers a delightful dining experience with its elegant decor and mouthwatering dishes. From their tandoori platters to flavorful curries, each bite is a burst of authentic Indian flavors.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Address: 567 Pine Lane, Sugar Land, TX 09876
  • Contact: (789) 012-3456

7. Shiva Indian Restaurant

With its elegant setting and refined flavors, Shiva Indian Restaurant is a top choice for a sophisticated dining experience. The menu features a combination of classic and contemporary dishes, expertly crafted to please discerning palates. Immerse yourself in the warm and inviting ambiance while savoring the artistry of Indian cuisine. However, Shiva Indian Restaurant is also among the ten top Indian restaurants in Sugar Land.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Address: 234 Birch Avenue, Sugar Land, TX 12345
  • Contact: (555) 901-2345

8. Chutney Garden

Chutney Garden offers a vibrant and casual dining experience, perfect for both lunch and dinner. The menu showcases a wide range of flavorful dishes, including a variety of dosas, biryanis, and chaats. Whether you’re a vegetarian or a meat lover, Chutney Garden has options that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday: 11:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Address: 789 Oak Avenue, Sugar Land, TX 12345
  • Contact: (555) 567-8901

9. Bombay Grill

Bombay Grill takes pride in serving authentic Indian cuisine with a modern twist. This restaurants is among the top Indian restaurants in Sugar Land. The menu features a fusion of traditional flavors and innovative techniques, resulting in dishes that are both familiar and exciting. The contemporary décor and friendly atmosphere make it a fantastic spot for family dinners or special occasions.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday: 11:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Address: 123 Pine Street, Sugar Land, TX 12345
  • Contact: (555) 345-6789

10. Curry House Indian Grill

Curry House Indian Grill is where passion meets culinary artistry. Indulge in the rich and flavorful curries prepared with authentic spices and premium ingredients. The extensive menu also features an array of vegetarian and vegan options, ensuring there’s something for everyone. The cozy interior and attentive service make it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

  • Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday: 11:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Address: 321 Maple Road, Sugar Land, TX 12345
  • Contact: (555) 234-5678


As a resident or tourist to Sugar Land, you’re fortunate to have an array of incredible Indian restaurants to satisfy your cravings. Whether you’re seeking traditional flavors, fusion cuisine, or indulgent Indian sweets, the top Indian restaurants in Sugar Land have got you covered. From Spice of India to Bombay Grill, each restaurant on this list offers a unique experience that will transport your taste buds to the vibrant streets of India.

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