Different Types Of Nigerian Travelers You Will Find During The Covid-19 Outbreak
At the rate at which Coronavirus is spreading and we looking for ways to prevent ourselves, we should as well know that traveling is another thing we should avoid totally and maintain social distancing as much as possible.
In the last few days of writing this article, there have been rumored stories about 56 recorded cases across 5 states in Nigeria and we don’t even know which information to believe and not to believe. We should join hands together and fight fake news in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.
Before I write out off point, let me quickly take your guys on a journey; I’ll tell you about the different types of Nigerian travelers you will meet during this coronavirus outbreak.
Let’s start with:
The Ones That Suspect Everyone
These kinds of people are everywhere, especially ladies and I happen to have come across a lot of them in the last few days of Coronavirus. You dare not cough beside them, because they can do you anything to the extent of breaking your head.
The Ones That Still Travel, Fully Kitted
Stay at home, stay at home! But there are people out there who enjoy not listening to simple instructions. They see this moment as an opportunity to go to places alone and enjoy solo traveling.
The Scared Ones That left Group Chats Because Of The Virus
Don’t be surprised, they are a whole lot of people on this table. I am in a group where we lost several numbers due to Coronavirus because they are scared of not contacting Covid-19 via the internet. The fear is real and these kinds of people seem to be the most religious.
“I am covered with the blood of Jesus! Coronavirus isn’t real” – Well, let’s try and get this kind of people off the streets and isolate them pending when Covid-19 will reduce and be cured fully. Covid-19 is real and it is a very deadly and highly infectious disease.
The Stay At Home Ones
You’ll also meet a lot of Nigerian travelers who will tell you to stay at home! Stay at home, that’s all they say. They really do not know about the wide-spreading virus. They only heed to instructions by reposting what news source post about Covid-19.
At the end of it all, you guys should please observe social distancing as much as possible. Stay at home, practice good hygiene and encourage others to do so. We will beat this!
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